[MDairheads] Dangerous Advice re Sealing Tube Type Rims

Mike Cecchini mrc.engr at verizon.net
Mon Sep 10 22:00:13 EDT 2018

Hi Jim,

Thanks for your thoughts and comments. Well said.

As for Woody's Wheel Works, I had forgotten they sealed wire wheels.
They've been doing it for 10+ yrs. I think.
Seems to me nobody has died or sued them out of existence......so it's working 
well for them.

My best..........Mike

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Wilson

Well,  I can see you totally missed my point.
If anybody wants to do anything to their bike, it's their bike to do as they 

Sure, researching what is done  or who does what, IS a primary thought.
Some do, some don't.

Some owners haven't a clue... while others have a machine or paint or other

Comparing seats isn't the key, it's an owner changing what's done to / on her / 
his bike.
My point was it's not *your* issue what joe schmow does to their bike.

Case in point, I run Kabota tractor alternators on my brit bikes, other owners 
of the same make are shocked

Well, when YOU buy my bike you can change it to anything you want. Until 

 BTW     Woody's  *still this afternoon* charges  $99 to seal your spoke wheels 
and THEY are guru's in the spoke wheel/rim department much more so than anybody 
on this list.


Plan your ride..... ride your plan.

* Jim  *

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