MDAirheads Digest, Vol 81, Issue 2

Zwicky, Eric ezwicky2 at
Thu Oct 7 08:51:50 EDT 2021

This happened to me while helping a local guy last year with his R100S. 
    Turned out there was a vestige of old hardened O-ring on one of his 
idle mixture screws that he didn't notice when he put new O-rings on.

This prevented us from getting the idle mixture even close, and the net 
effect was rendering the idle stop on that side un-adjustable.

But overall, it sounds like you would enjoy hanging out with a local 
airhead and picking up some tips.

Another thing, it's a long ways off, but have you head of SuperTech 
weekend?   It's always a fun couple of days with a wealth of great 
seminars, Q&As and camaraderie.   I got to know a lot of good people by 
going to several SuperTechs.     It's held in February near Reading PA.

On 10/6/2021 8:34 PM, Porter Gieske via MDAirheads wrote:
> As I was trying to do this, no amount of adjustment on right carb 
> throttle stop screw seemed to make a difference.

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