[NJSBMWR] BMW Collection Visit - 09/30/18

Don Eilenberger deilenberger at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 30 16:50:29 EDT 2018

Was a great success. Everyone who started out from OurWAWA made it 
there. The range of BMWs displayed (and a few other interesting bikes 
like the Victoria and Marushos)  was nothing short of spectacular.

One thing our host asked - that we please NOT post photos taken at the 
site to websites or even Instagram or other web environments. The 
location where the photos were taken can be easily determined from the 
EXIF data that is part of every JPG taken on your phone. It uses the GPS 
on your phone to geo-locate the photo. As Steve (our host) said - it 
could tell you what corner of the warehouse the photo was taken in (and 
he's entirely correct - I've taken ones where it was possible to 
determine what parking space I was in by the GPS coordinates buried in 
the photos.  Please don't share the location of the collection on-line 
or in email that may be forwarded.

It was good getting together with the New Sweden club - and I think 
everyone who came enjoyed the visit.  I'm hoping to receive several 
writeups of the visit for the newsletter - and any photos that end up in 
the newsletter will be edited to remove the geo-tags (just in case they 
can be read off the PDF copy of the newsletter - haven't tried that but 
bet they can..)

Thanks to everyone who came today!  We had a great lunch with about 12 
of us in attendance at F&M deli in Mt. Laurel. Pastrami was a big hit.

Don Eilenberger
deilenberger at yahoo.com

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