[NJSBMWR] More BMW Info on R1250s----MOA Newsletter - September #3

Roger Trendowski rtrendowski at verizon.net
Mon Sep 24 08:52:35 EDT 2018

RE: newsletter from MOA

latest BMW news release  on new 1250gs and rt -ShiftCam Technology

BMW short term rental of new bikes

Roger T

-----Original Message-----
From: ray <ray at bmwmoa.org>
To: rtrendowski <rtrendowski at verizon.net>
Sent: Mon, Sep 24, 2018 8:12 am
Subject: MOA Newsletter - September #3





Monday, 24 September 2018
                        MOA News for
                        Roger  Trendowski

            Connect with us!
Big news from BMW Motorrad
In BMW Motorrad News
BMW Motorrad made two big announcements recently. First was the release of details on the new "shiftcamheads" (will that catch on?), otherwise known as the R 1250 GS and RT. Packed with technology, check out BMW's press release to learn more on how one of these might be your next bike. BMW's second recent announcement was to let us know of Rent A Ride, a pilot program available in Europe to allow riders to rent late-model BMWs and see what the hype is all about.
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It's always a good time to review your member discounts                        
On the MOA website
When is the last time you checked out the discounts available to you as an MOA member? If it hasn't been recently, you could be missing out on saving an amount of money on goods and services that far outpaces your annual membership fee. You don't have to log in to view the basic list of benefits, but logging in is required to get details on some of the available programs. If you're having trouble logging in, contact our Membership Team.
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Waiting 35 years for a Paul B scholarship
In Foundation News
Thirty-five years of riding experience is a lot, we can all agree on that. Crashing your bike adds to that experience, but it also represents an opportunity to recognize your skills might need updated, and there's no better way to do that than to offset the cost of a training class with a Paul B scholarship. Find out how Geoff Goins learned these lessons - and more.
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Chasing the Horizon - a podcast by, for and about motorcyclists

Chasing the Horizon's Motorcycle Manufacturer Month wraps up with Episode 32, featuring Part 2 of the discussion with Curtiss Motorcycles CEO Matt Chambers. (Don't worry - if you missed Part 1, it's there, too!) Subscribe in iTunes or on your Android device, or listen on the web at horizon.bmwmoa.org or via Stitcher if you're so inclined.




BMW Motorcycle Owners of America


                        640 S. Main                        Street #201
                        Greenville, SC 29601
                        (864) 438-0962




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