[NJSBMWR] Christmas Party, December 8th, Rod’s Sea Girt.

Don Eilenberger deilenberger at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 25 18:29:59 EST 2018

On 11/25/2018 5:58 PM, rds335i via NJSBMWR wrote:
> Hey Shore Riders! This is a good deal. The club is subsidizing your dinner at $15 a pop. You get most of your dues returned if you attend. You might even have a good time. Get your $25 to Joe Karol by the 1st of December. Don’t wait!
> Regards, RD Swanson
> _______________________________________________

Following up on RDS's request - here is how to do it EASILY from the 
comfort of your computer chair:

> Trying to be a modern club, Bill Dudley has kindly created a page on 
> our website that will lead you to a payment page on Paypal for our 
> Holiday Party. That means you can sign up and pay from the comfort of 
> your recliner whilst watching men in funny suits throwing 
> prolate-spheroid shaped balls around and grabbing each other's butts.. 
> then all falling down.
> This is only to be used for PAID (2019 dues) Members and their guest. 
> If you are not a paid member, and want to attend - you must use the 
> "additional guests" selection. If you use the paid-member selection, 
> the cost to you will be $25 for the paid member and $25 for a single 
> guest accompanying the member. There is also a $1 Paypal fee that is 
> added on..
> This link can be found at: https://www.njsbmwr.org/holiday_party
> If you haven't paid your 2019 dues yet - and need to before signing up 
> for the party - that can also be done on-line at: 
> https://www.njsbmwr.org/Membership/application.html
> What a deal! What convenience!  You have NO excuse for calling Dennis 
> up the afternoon of the party and telling him "Hey Dennis.. I'm gonna 
> be there.." 

Do it now.

Don Eilenberger
deilenberger at yahoo.com

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