tool loan "program"?

Bradley Fowler bgoodsoil at
Mon Jan 11 11:52:56 EST 2021

I have a pile of special tools also and I'm 3 hours north from you. We could have tool stashes all over the tri-state area for folks.
I've got everything but the gearbox tools. Tom convinced me to just mail him mine with his gearbox tutorial at a tech day 😁

I just buttoned up an engine and hope to not need those tools for a loooong time. I can't wait to see what 11:1 pistons in an airhead feel like 😳

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  On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 10:06 AM, Zwicky, Eric<ezwicky2 at> wrote:   Hey MD and VA airheads,

Cross-posting here.  I was thinking about a tool database for loaning 
out specialty tools to other Airheads.

Myself, I have a bunch of the Cycleworks tools and maybe some other 
tools that are really seldom-used unless one has multiple airheads. 
Like my timing-chain tools.  I used them only once myself, but a lot of 
other times with other guys' bikes.

I can make a list of what I have available, but I was thinking it might 
be useful for other Airheads if we had some kind of repository, which 
could be looked up by Airheads who might need a special tool for a project.

Let me know if anybody thinks this would be a good idea or even if it 
could be implemented at all, since we just have state-specific email 
lists as opposed to web sites.    Maybe on the national Airheads site 
there could be a database or online searchable list of tools by state?

Anyway, just thinking out loud.

Stay safe and positive (the good kind of positive that is!).

Eric Zwicky
Richmond VA
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