A Special Report

NINETTE S MORDAUNT nsmordaunt at comcast.net
Sun Nov 14 13:48:42 EST 2021

Hello to all you Lovely People who wrote me for my 80th birthday.

A friend (thanks, Christine) suggested I send an email out after the event to let everyone know how the 80-Letter-Project turned out.

First of all, to say that I am Overwhelmed would be to understate the situation.  It's more like I am Gobsmacked-Shot-Over-the-Moon Delirious!
Would you believe 133 people sent over 220 pieces of mail??  (a few writers got carried away - in a good way!)  There were even surprise letters from people I hadn't heard from in years!

I do intend to answer everyone in kind.  Fortunately, there were some early birds so I've already begun, but I fear this will take me a while.  If you haven't heard from me by Christmas, send a little e-note to jog me into action.

Meanwhile,  how does one begin to say Thank You for making my Birthday Wish come true??  I'm so thankful I have you all in my life!  I mean, I am so, SO thankful for your outpouring of love.  WOW!!!!

ninette (now officially an Eccentric Old Lady)

proud member of Albuquerque Theatre Guild
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