June 7th Meeting

Joe VanCleave jvcabacus at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 2 22:11:10 EDT 2020

Dear Fellow Typists;

I hope this message finds you well. The ABQwerty Type Writer Society will be meeting this coming Sunday, June 7, starting at 12 PM, at the Kittle residence, located at 295 Sandia Road, NW. This event will be a potluck lunch, please consider bringing a savory dish to share.

Tara will be facilitating a craft making session, where we will be making personalized contact cards. While some craft supplies will be provided, you may want to bring your own scissors and other crafting materials. This project will also involve typing, so please bring your typewriter as well.

The meeting will be held on the Kittle back deck, weather permitting, so please consider a sun hat and sun screen.

I hope to see you there.


Joe Van Cleave

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