[ABQTypers] message in a bottle

cunnings at swcp.com cunnings at swcp.com
Mon Feb 10 12:30:22 EST 2020

 I'm not sure if this message will go to just Joe our to our entire group.  I had to leave early so I didn't have time to share my writing with everyone.
I'm not a good writer but I think it can be nice to share our thoughts.  I took a very different approach than the fun and funny message that Kevin
wrote which I enjoyed thoroughly.  Below is my message to the future.  I hope others will share their messages as well.

February 9th 2020

     It’s strange to think that if someone finds this they might look at the date and think of it as being a long time ago  
when it’s just today, an ordinary day for me.  If all goes well this won’t even be discovered until I’m long dead. 
 I don’t find this thought to be morbid, in fact I think it would be very exciting if this wasn’t discovered for a very 
long time.
    What would the future want to know about now or maybe even about me?  I have no idea what that would
be so I’ll start by introducing myself.  My name is Tara and I’m a semi-old women.  I’m not feeble or frail 
but the bloom of youth is definitely long gone.  I’m basically a content person which doesn’t sound like a big deal 
but during this political climate it’s really quite an accomplishment.
   My secret is that I have a lot of interest and activities in my life that bring me joy.  My latest fun activity
 is taking the remains of my vegetables and trying to regrow them.  For example, I cut the tops of my 
carrots off, place them in water and try to regrow the stem.  After I get enough growth I can plant the 
carrot in the ground.  On my kitchen counter I have bok choy, celery, pineapple, leeks, carrots, potatoes, basil, garlic, 
scallions and yams all in various size glass containers, some with toothpicks sticking out, all in various stages of rooting.  
I find this quite delightful to look at and I take particular pleasure in watching the progress of their growth.
    I know this isn’t very revealing about life in 2020 but isn’t life just a collection of moments.  So now a few moments
of February 9th 2020 have been revealed to you.  I wonder if this this activity would interest anyone in the future?
May you find moments of joy in your life and share them with others.
Your friend from the past

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